What your startup is missing by not doing PR

What your startup is missing by not doing PR

For many startups, PR is the last thing they’re thinking about. In some instances, it simply never occurs to them to pursue media opportunities or work with a tech PR agency. Others figure that PR is a luxury expense that is appropriate for established brands that...
The Tech Startup’s Guide to PR

The Tech Startup’s Guide to PR

Startups of all sizes have big marketing goals: increase brand awareness, drive website traffic and win market share against entrenched competition.  While those goals are supported by a foundational marketing strategy, a key component of that strategy that’s...
How to find a tech PR firm in Austin

How to find a tech PR firm in Austin

If you’re a tech startup looking for a tech PR firm in Austin, you’ve got a lot of company. The Lone Star capital is teeming with tech firms, from scrappy startups to corporate behemoths, on the lookout for an edge in public relations.  As a result, there are a number...